It is generally known that the liver is highly sensitive to fats when it is suffering from some disorder or disturbance. However, one cannot cut out fat altogether since the liver needs some unsaturated fatty acids in order to function properly. It is therefore important not to use any fat in which the unsaturated fatty acids have been destroyed. Heated fat should also be avoided. In fact, the basic rule for liver patients is eliminate all fried foods from your diet.
If you understand and observe this rule, you will have come to grips with a liver diet. You will then abstain from potatoes and onions fried in butter, oil or any other fat; this includes saute potatoes and French fries or chips. If you want to help your liver recover, you will not indulge in such food however delicious it may be. Meat fried in fat will also be off your menu. As a matter of fact, any kind of dish requiring frying or baking in fat is out. Butter must no longer be used in cooking. Natural oils such as sunflower, sesame, linseed or any other cold-pressed oils may be used in limited quantities in the preparation of salads, because, strangely enough, a moderate amount of these natural, unrefined and unadulterated oils is actually good for the liver. The problem of fat is therefore one that needs careful consideration and the right solution.
If you understand and observe this rule, you will have come to grips with a liver diet. You will then abstain from potatoes and onions fried in butter, oil or any other fat; this includes saute potatoes and French fries or chips. If you want to help your liver recover, you will not indulge in such food however delicious it may be. Meat fried in fat will also be off your menu. As a matter of fact, any kind of dish requiring frying or baking in fat is out. Butter must no longer be used in cooking. Natural oils such as sunflower, sesame, linseed or any other cold-pressed oils may be used in limited quantities in the preparation of salads, because, strangely enough, a moderate amount of these natural, unrefined and unadulterated oils is actually good for the liver. The problem of fat is therefore one that needs careful consideration and the right solution.