Wednesday, 18 January 2017


There probably isn’t one clear-cut explanation for BPH; it involves too many disparate factors. But we do know that the development of BPH has at least two prerequisites—the testes, and aging. And new research suggests that a third condition, family history, may also be important.

The testes, housed in the scrotum, are the main source of the male hormone, or androgen, called testosterone, which is responsible for secondary sex characteristics, like post-puberty body hair and deepening of the voice, and for fertility. Testosterone acts on the prostate, but it’s not the only thing that makes the prostate grow. In fact, as it turns out, testosterone is not even the primary troublemaker in BPH; it just initiates the process. The trouble starts when testosterone is converted by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is the major androgen, or male hormone, inside the prostate cell. (The thermostat that regulates all this activity is the hypothalamus, located in the brain.)

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

What are the Benefits of Using Green Tea?

It seems as if a week doesn’t go by before another study showing the health benefits of green tea comes out. The tea, brewed from the leaves of the plant, Camellia sinensis, is proving to be a powerhouse when it comes to health.

Emerging studies suggest green tea has multiple health benefits, including fighting heart disease, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, increasing metabolism and fat loss, fighting breast cancer, and more. Studies also suggest green tea may be beneficial in preventing diseases of the eye, such as glaucoma.

Green tea is also proving to be quite a potent antibiotic, helping fight bacteria and tooth decay. This isn’t surprising, given that the substance that makes green tea green, chlorophyll, is known to be antimicrobial.

If you’re looking for something to get you going in the morning besides coffee, you might give green tea a try. Coffee does provide energy, but it does so at a price. Many people get the “jitters” after a few cups, and find themselves crashing later.

Green tea contains a little caffeine and L-theanine – a substance that reduces stress while raising alertness and mood. A good term for the feeling green tea gives is “calm energy”.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


Many articles in dermatology journals state that patients with BDD frequently have a poor response to dermatologic treatment. Of great concern is a study done in two dermatology practices in England, which found that the most frequent causes of patient suicide were acne and BDD. I’ve talked with dermatologists who told me about BDD patients of theirs who committed suicide. One dermatologist said that six of his patients with probable BDD had committed is and how important it is for people with this disorder to get effective psychiatric treatment.

There’s a great need for more studies of this important issue. What’s especially needed are prospective studies, in which patients are followed over time and carefully assessed before and after surgery or dermatologic treatment to see whether their BDD improves, is unchanged, or worsens. Patients should be clearly identified as having BDD, and their outcome after these treatments should be assessed over a long period of time.

Even though BDD appears unlikely to get better with these treatments, some people who initially consult surgeons, dermatologists, or dentists may be reluctant to see a psychiatrist. If this is true for you, keep in mind that as best we know, these treatments usually don’t work. Seeing a psychiatrist or therapist doesn’t mean you’re “crazy.” It simply means that you have a potentially treatable illness that in many ways is no different from heart disease or any other medical illness. Psychiatric treatment is very likely to help you feel a lot better. There’s a good chance it will give you more control over your obsessions, help you get your life back on track, and relieve your mind of worry, anxiety, and depression.

It may be hard for you to accept this advice if you think your defect is real and truly looks bad, as almost all people with BDD do. Most people with BDD have the hope that a physical change in their appearance will solve their problem. But look back at what my patients have told me about how they wish they’d never had surgery. Remember that as best we know, these treatments almost never help. And keep in mind that regardless of what you actually look like, if you’re obsessing about an appearance flaw, and if you’re distressed over it or it’s causing problems in your life, psychiatric treatment is likely to quell your obsessions, alleviate your suffering and distress, and help you function better and start enjoying your life again.


As noted in the section on classification of diabetes, type 1 diabetes may be immune-mediated (type 1A) or idiopathic (type 1B). In either case, complete (or almost complete) loss of pancreatic beta cell function results in an absolute need for insulin therapy.

 The pathogenesis of immune-mediated destruction of the pancreatic beta cells has received the most attention, and is better understood than idiopathic loss of beta cell function. Pathologically, it is characterized by degranulated beta cells, an inflammatory infiltrate, and preservation of the other pancreatic islet cells, such as the glucagon-secreting alpha cells or the somatostatin-producing delta cells. The inflammatory infiltrate is composed of lymphocytes (CD4 and CD8 cells), natural killer cells, and macrophages.

 Islet involvement may be variable, and the clinical course of islet destruction may be slow or rapid.
Autoantibodies in the plasma are predictive and diagnostic for type 1A diabetes. Autoantibodies to the pancreatic islets were the first to be described. Subsequently, other autoantibodies have been found, including antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), insulin, and other islet cell antigens. Type 1 diabetes-associated autoantibodies have been recognized before the onset of clinical disease, and their presence indicates a high risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

 First-phase insulin release is often reduced, and hyperglycemia eventually occurs. Islet cell autoantibodies are present in at least 70-80% of people with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, and insulin autoantibodies are present in about 50%. As the disease progresses, titers of autoantibodies fall and may be undetectable with long-standing autoimmune type 1 diabetes. A relatively high incidence of other autoimmune diseases (thyroiditis, celiac disease, pernicious anemia,or Addison’s disease) in people with type 1 diabetes supports the role of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of the disease.

 The components of the immune system that are primarily responsible for cell destruction are under study. Elaboration of the cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) is thought to be of pathogenetic importance. IL-inhibits insulin secretion and may be cytotoxic to the islets. Another cytokine, IL-6, is produced by beta cells and can stimulate the immune response, enhance insulitis, and result in beta cell destruction. In one m it is hypothesized that viral infection of a beta cell increases release cytokines and adhesion of leukocytes. The infected beta cell is susceptible to attack by antiviral cytotoxic CD8 lymphocytes. Macrophages in the islets are stimulated to produce cytokines and free radicals, increasing the cytoxicity to the beta cells.

 Macrophages offer viral antigens to CD4 lymphocytes, which activate B lymphocytes to produce antiviral and anti-beta-cell antibodies. The process is obviously a complicated one with evolving concepts. The end product of virtually complete beta cell destruction leads to an absolute need for insulin therapy.