Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Ascorbic acid. Cevitamin acid. Usually measured in milligrams (mg.). In Europe, occasionally in Units: 1 mg. equals 20 Units.


Essential for the healthy condition of collagen, “intercellular cement”. Involved in all the vital functions of all glands and organs. Necessary for healthy teeth, gums and bones. Strengthens all connective tissues. Essential for proper functioning of adrenal and thyroid glands. Promotes healing in every condition of ill health. Helps prevent and cure the common cold. Protects against all forms of stress: physical and mental. Protects against harmful effects of toxic chemicals in environment, food, water and air. Counteracts the toxic effect of drugs. Has been used successfully in rattlesnake bite, and as a general natural antibiotic. Specific against fever, all sorts of infections and gastrointestinal disorders. General detoxicant. Specific protector against toxic effects of cadmium.

Deficiency symptoms

Deficiency may lead to tooth decay, soft gums (pyorrhea), skin hemorrhages, capillary weakness, deterioration in collagen, anemia, slow healing of sores and wounds, premature aging, thyroid insufficiency, lowered resistance to all infections and toxic effect of drugs and environmental poisons. Prolonged efficiency may cause scurvy.

Natural sources

All fresh fruits and vegetables. Particularly rich sources: rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries, apples, persimmons, guavas, acerola cherries, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, turnip greens and green bell peppers.

MDR (minimum daily requirement):

Official recommendation: 30 to 70 mg. Therapeutically used in large doses, from 100 to 10,000 mg. a day. In acute poisonings or infections, 1,000 to 2,000 mg., preferably in injection form, can be given each 1 1/2 or 2 hours. Vitamin С is non-toxic, even in massive doses.

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